Mizpah Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Mizpah - The Power House. Stay connected to the Source.

The Breakfast Ministry

This Saturday morning is no different than any other Saturday for those who volunteer at the Mizpah Breakfast Ministry.  While most are rolling over trying to get a few more minutes of sleep, since it is Saturday, there is a group of people that laugh at sleep.  Ha!  Imagine that.

As early as 6:15 AM on any given Saturday, you will find the faithful few making their way through the church doors heading for the kitchen.  No time to waste...food to be prepared!  

But wait one minute!  Nothing starts before inviting the Holy Spirit to be a part of this important mission and blessing those that have sacrificed sleep.  Once the prayer has been given, the real work begins.  This small team break into groups to divide and conquer.  One group heads to the kitchen while the other begins the cleanup and setup of the dining hall.  There's lots to complete and so little time before the first guests start to arrive.  

In the kitchen, there are those wiping down countertops, setting up, and prepping food.  Eggs are being cracked, water boiled for oatmeal, grits, or cream of wheat, and homefries are being prepared.  Oh, you thought these individuals were pulling out bowls for cold cereal and fresh fruit?  Yes you'll find that there, too, but these volunteers understand the importance of providing a good hot meal to those coming out of bad situations.  Oh, did I mention that there's lots of laughter taking place in the kitchen?  No, I didn't but these individuals are happy and the sound of joy is definitely in the air.

In the dining hall, tables are being wiped down and the serving station setup in preparation for the food that will soon find it's way to the serving racks.  Beverages prepared.  Check!  Plates, cups, and utensils arranged.  Check!  The smell of food filling the air.  Double check!  Can you smell it?  If you listen closely, you might even hear some singing.  Do you hear it?

As time slips away and the food has been prepared, our special guests find their way into the dining hall.  Hellos are spoken, smiles are shared, and laughter can be heard.  After the meal has been eaten, our guests settle down to participate in a one of a kind scriptural based Journey to Wholeness Recovery Program.  The program consists of singing, reading, biblical instruction, and support in a safe and confidential environment.  All are welcome.

But this is far from the end.  As I walk through the same doors that the faithful few passed through hours before, the cleanup portion is in full motion.  Tables wiped down, serving trays cleared and put away, dishes washed, pots, pans, and kitchen gadgets all placed in their proper storage places.  Everything put away...in anticipation for the mission to begin again next Saturday at 6:15AM.  And after the cleanup, the Breakfast Ministry Team heads to Saturday bible study.

Thank you for your commitment Breakfast Ministry Team!  Carl, Dorothy, Fiona, June, Michael, Rhonda, Mark, Barbara, Madeia, William, and Tim.

So when you rollover at 6AM on any given Saturday, do know that there are a faithful few that trade sleep for service.  Maybe, just maybe...one day I'll join the faithful few at 6:15AM.


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